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Pagina 1/2

Aerial view of the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh at twilight

Vastlegging en content

Hoe Xerox de overheid van Bangladesh hielp bevolkingsgegevens vast te leggen, op te slaan en te analyseren, zodat het land sociale voorzieningen effectiever kan leveren aan de mensen die dit nodig hebben.


11 mei 2021

Clock tower above BBVA Bank in Argentina

Vastlegging en content

Zie hoe de oudste particuliere bank van Argentinië papieren onboarding-formulieren elimineert met behulp van Xerox® services voor vastlegging en content.


11 mei 2021

Windmills along a river and green farm fields

Vastlegging en content

Xerox speelt een belangrijke rol in het beschermen van de integriteit van het digitale Land Registry voor Engeland en Wales.


2 mei 2021

man holding tablet

Vastlegging en content

See how the State Department of Health streamlined their process to meet a critical ARPA deadline with the help of Xerox® Capture and Content Services.


27 jun 2024

Two employees in front of a whiteboard giving each other a high five

Vastlegging en content

Discover how Keypoint Intelligence — Buyers Lab, Inc. (BLI) acknowledged our software's prowess in workflow automation, personalization, content management solutions, and digitization services.


27 feb 2024

Digital image showing 3D graphs moving from the top and bottom

Vastlegging en content

The shift to ‘digital first’ to adapt and stay ahead of a fast-changing world continues to be a top priority for many organizations, driving their digital transformation agenda. It is our mission to deliver these goals.


26 sep 2022

AgustaWestland AW101 helicopter in flight

Vastlegging en content

We support Leonardo UK's digital transformation with innovative solutions for document digitisation, data management, and metal 3D printing.


18 apr 2022

Bank with ornate statues

Vastlegging en content

See how we’ve helped banks and financial services organisations improve the customer experience and save costs.   


12 mei 2021

Police card on a city street

Vastlegging en content

£650,000 savings on print with Xerox help Avon and Somerset maintain policing excellence despite funding cuts.


2 mei 2021