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Pagina 2/3

Photo of city buildings looking upward from street level

Enterprise Content Management

See how the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services overhauled forms and claims processing with greater security using Xerox® DocuShare®, reducing claims processing time by 90%.


6 feb 2024

Hand putting envelopes in mailbox

Enterprise Content Management

Xerox helped us implement a new system quickly and efficiently, without any significant set up time and with the immediate and continued support of the relevant people.


1 jul 2021

Icons overlaying hands on keyboard

Enterprise Content Management

See how financial services firm, Freedman & Co., used Xerox® DocuShare® to digitise and easily manage volumes of sensitive client files, ultimately helping spur a decade of growth.


25 jun 2021

Office space with people walking around and sitting at their desks.

Enterprise Content Management

Discover how a prominent law firm maximises efficiency with Xerox DocuShare, an advanced electronic file storage and management solution. Streamlining the organisation of research files and case documents for quick retrieval.


15 jun 2021

Young girl writing in a workbook with a pencil

Enterprise Content Management

See how Lincoln Public Schools used Xerox® DocuShare® to give teachers more time to focus on helping students.


11 mei 2021

Person writing on a pad of paper while using a tablet, with a laptop nearby

Enterprise Content Management

See how Volksbank Romania used Xerox® DocuShare® to provide a better banking experience to their customers.


5 mei 2021

man on smartphone reviewing papers 1200 x 440 R2

Enterprise Content Management

See how Accounts Payable Automation for Xerox® DocuShare® Flex can transform your approach to invoices.


2 mei 2021

Smiling woman looking at a computer screen

Enterprise Content Management

User ratings-based report helps businesses make ECM technology buying decisions, and positions Xerox® DocuShare® as a leader


2 mei 2021

Carpenter from Fairfield Chairs at work

Enterprise Content Management

Verandering is moeilijk wanneer je al zo lang bestaat als Fairfield Chair. Het bedrijf wist echter dat het zijn werkplekprocessen moest veranderen om iedereen vóór te blijven in het digitale tijdperk. [in het Engels]


2 mei 2021