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Productie print

With Xerox® Speciality Imaging, you can protect your customers’ — and your own — bottom line without costly speciality inks or media.


2 nov 2021

College professor teaching a class

Productie print

UC Davis increased print speed, boosted productivity and added clear and gold inks to their capabilities by upgrading to Xerox Iridesse digital production printing presses.


19 sep 2021

Colorful examples of print samples

Productie print

How should printers price jobs that include specialty enhancements such as metallic, clear, white, gamut extension colours and fluorescent?


18 sep 2021

Custom printed boxes on a silver platter, with golf tees and golf ball

Productie print

By using technology to offer customer personalisation at scale, while using efficient and sustainable production practices, Zoxxbox has established itself as an innovator that has been able to expand into new areas while maintaining a lean staff.


18 sep 2021

Overhead view of graphic designers using Xerox FreeFlow Core

Productie print

Dreams really do come true with print workflow automation — more efficiency, higher profits and happier customers.


17 sep 2021

steven hawkings iridesse

Productie print

Xerox® Iridesse® Production Press does what other print technologies can't – so you can rise above the limitations of print.


11 sep 2021

colorful print samples

Productie print

Create without limits. Find out how print is redefining what’s possible at our online global creative discussion. 


31 jul 2021

Letter being posted into mail box

Productie print

With today’s innovations in technology, workflow automation and personalization, print providers can easily turn simple bills and statements into highly effective marketing vehicles.


14 jul 2021

A store aisle with many cardboard boxes

Productie print

When retail rises, demand for folding cartons also rises, opening a huge growth opportunity for printers.


29 jun 2021