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Co-workers looking at charts in a meeting room

Global Claims Management Co. Goes Paperless


Addressing a “paperless office” initiative, this global claims management company was looking to not only stop creating paper in their work environment, but also minimise the ingestion of external paper in the form of mail. Employees’ access to physical files could take several business days, hindered by lengthy document retrieval and shipping processes, which negatively impacted customer satisfaction, and added unnecessary document management operational costs. The company needed a solution to convert critical business documents into a digital format that could be stored and conveniently accessed at any time.


The claims management company has their mail directed to a PO Box that is transported daily to the Xerox® Digitisation Center where the mail is opened, scanned, indexed by the recipient’s name, and uploaded into the client’s content management system. The company’s employees now handle no paper mail — instead, they receive an email indicating that a digital copy of the mail item has been received and a link is provided to directly access their personal “mailbox” to view the images.


Approximately 1,000 hard copy documents are processed at the Xerox Digitisation Center per month, which are a mixture of mail items and office documents. Xerox now receives all mail intended for the client’s Canadian office (with the exception of courier packages), which eliminated the need to staff a full-time mailroom operation. Since mail documents arrive in a digital format, the files are immediately integrated into electronic workflows without the need to scan or dispose of paper originals onsite.

Male professional using devices

Xerox® DocuShare®

De gemakkelijkste manier om onsite of in de cloud toegang te krijgen, te delen en samen te werken.

Inzichten in Enterprise Content Management

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